
how much does it cost to send this by special delivery معنى

  • كم تكلفة إرسال هذا بالبريد الخاص
  • how    adv. بكم, بأي ثمن, ...
  • how much    بكم, ما هو السعر
  • much    adj. كثير; adv. كث ...
  • does    هل; يعمل
  • it    n. اللاعب المكلف ب ...
  • cost    n. ثمن, كلفة, نفقة ...
  • to    prep. إلى, حتى, ل, ...
  • send    v. أرسل, إرسال, وف ...
  • this    adv. لهذه الدرجة, ...
  • by    adv. من طريق, في س ...
  • special    adj. متميز, خاص, خ ...
  • delivery    n. توزيع الرسائل, ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. how much does it cost to rent diving equipment معنى
  2. how much does it cost to rent water skis معنى
  3. how much does it cost to send this by airmail معنى
  4. how much does it cost to send this by express معنى
  5. how much does it cost to send this by registered mail معنى
  6. how much does this tour cost معنى
  7. how much for a night including breakfast معنى
  8. how much for a room including breakfast معنى
  9. how much for a ticket to new york معنى
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